Sunday, July 20, 2008

About Us

Since I had all my blogs and pictures through myspace, and now don't, I suppose I should play a little catch up on the bouncing Bateman Family!
Start out with Rex and me. We have been attached to the hip for about 8 years now, and still find new things we love about each other all the time! He really is my BFF! Love ya babe!

We have two great boys that keep us on our toes all the time! Trenton is our oldest and was born in May of 2003. He is smart as a whip and amazes us daily!

Joseph was born December of 2005 and is as stubborn as his name sake (my father) but can melt your heart in the matter of one smile. Is is a total opposite of his brother and is going to be one to watch out for!

Our newest Bateman Boy is on his way and should be making an appearance in about 6 weeks. We have decided on the name Benjamin and cannot wait to meet him. Just fromt he ultrasounds, he seems to be very funny and full of energy!

And this is my proud moment of my wonderful hubby! We won 2nd place for Employee of the Year at Cactus Pete's! We never thought we would actually own one of those over sized goofy checks! Thanks to the hard work that he does and the great service he provides his company, that nice sized amount he won helped us buy our home! He's awesome!

So that is our family in a lump sum. I will post more pics and update more as I figure out the inner workings of the blogging world!

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