Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Late Nights, and Lots of Time to Think

So at about 8:30 pm Joe got very very cranky (more than usual) and very whiny and just unbearable. We started getting him ready for bed, and noticed he was on fire! I gave him some Tylenol and sent him on his way. At 1am I have little Joseph stumbling into my room babbling and disoriented. I automatically went for the forehead and again he was burning up. So this time a dose of Tylenol and Motrin along with a special bed made for him in mommy and daddy's room, with a wet wash cloth plastered to his head. Joe and I stayed up until 8 this morning fighting the discomforts of fever and chills, body aches and throwing fits. I called his pediatrician this morning to try and get an appointment in and of course they were booked. A ton of kids coming in with fevers and chills. So, next best thing before having to rush to the ER, called my aunt who is a pediatric nurse. She said all the cases that she had seen through the day were all viral and the main thing to worry about was keeping hydrated and the fever down as much as possible.
While I argued with my 2 1/2 year old for hours this morning, I kept freaking out over and over again, thinking how in the world am I going to handle three children? Especially with one child in school? AHH! I have realized that this pregnancy in particular I have not been able to handle things like I normally do. I need Rex a lot more for emotional support and keeping me calm in general! So I am hoping this fades after Benjamin arrives. I need to get it together! I am already compulsively making lists and charts and schedules of how things should run once the baby arrives. I think Miss Jenn having her baby is what got my wheels spinning and cranking and thinking of how life is going to be in a few short weeks!
Needless to say, I am calming down and have decided to take things day by day in hopes I will survive this journey they call motherhoood! Oh yes, and Joe is on the mend, I hope ! We will see how the evening goes. A few more doses of pedialyte and Tylenol should do the trick!


Liz said...

Life with kids is nutso, isn't it? And I'm sure all those pregnancy hormones aren't helping. I hope things calm down for you today.

I think you've hit the nail on the head: just take it day by day. Realize that the whole is made up of many tiny little parts, and as long as you do your best for all those little parts, the whole will turn out beautifully. I would love to be there to give you a hug, make you and your little ones lunch and talk about nothing of significance. ;-) As I can't, here's a long-distance hug and assurance that all will be okay in the end. So if it's not okay, it's not the end!

Jenn Marshall said...

Don't blame it on me for getting your head spinning! lol jk I have all the faith in the world in you, hon! You're Supermom!