Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Root Beer Floats and High School Drama

After a night of leftovers for dinner we all seemed a little less then fulfilled. I sent Rex to the store for a cheap but satisfying treat! ROOT BEER FLOATS! Woo Hoo! We were are very excited and cooled off from a long hot day with this delectable delight!

Happy Kool-Aid stained faced boys!

And as for the high school drama... grrrr. Well, things have sure changed since Rex became supervisor. More responsibility and more headache from time to time, but man oh man this week has been a doozy. Rex has worked a lot of hours this week and has had a lot of work to due as he has been running the shift all alone (besides his officers). Yesterday capped it off when he went to leave for home, and his tire was slashed. Just one, but a very prominant cut. I wont say much now as we are having things investigated through the casino, but we have a good idea of who might have done it. Its sad how chidish people can be even after high school ends.

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