Monday, July 21, 2008

Super-Mom Feeling Fading

My 2nd Trimester Energy has surely dwindled in the past week. I have an appointment this Thursday and the Doc is going to check my iron levels again to make sure i am not becoming anemic. It's frustrating looking at a mess but not having the energy to get up to do something about it. I went from doing laundry, dishes, vacuuming, dusting, sweeping and mopping everyday to sweeping and mopping and maybe vacuuming one room. I know I am suppose to be sleepy and getting my rest, but I have a house to care for and a family who has gotten very use to clean clothes! I told Rex he has to take a week or more off when Benjamin comes, because I am going to go bananas without help! I am going to start freezing my meals next week and getting things organized for the big event! Come on energy! come back! Just for a week or two!

1 comment:

Jenn Marshall said...

Ugh, I prayed for energy, too, but unfortunately none came. Just take it easy and do one thing at a time. Do dishes, sit down. Clean the bathroom, take a nap. Don't wear yourself out. You need that energy for Ben. :)