Friday, August 8, 2008


Since last week, the boys have gone from bad to worse. Now I know kids have their moments, and they will have their days, but will they also have their WEEKS????
It seems as if they were extra extra good for our trip to Boise, then KABOOM! Flip of the switch, exchange for evil evil twins happened over night!
My mannered boy Trenton, turned into a 14 year old girl. Every thing is the end of the world, not fair, Joe's fault and just NOT FAIR.
Joe, has always been a bit stubborn and bull headed, but I never thought it could get this bad! All the lessons in sharing that he was grasping the last few weeks...GONE. Every thing is mine mine mine. He talks in whines, cries, yells, screams....its embarrassing and at times uncontrollable. We are trying t keep the best cap on things as we can to not let this behavior continue.... but we pick our battles to save our energy. I hope it ends soon. Maybe the storm will calm after school starts and Benjamin comes...or it could just get worse........


Jenn Marshall said...

Yikes! Hang in there! This, too, shall pass. :)

Liz said...

In my admittedly limited experience, it seems like kids feed off each maybe when one calms down the other will, too?

Good luck! It'll get better soon.