Friday, August 15, 2008

Nesting, Going Crazy, School Days

So, we have had a very eventful, exhausting, stressful week! We have had our good friends from San Fransisco visiting us and have enjoyed seeing them as its been almost a year!!! It has been very nice but crazy as they have had many many other people to visit as well. In this time of their visit, Rex made to mistake of messing my a mama birds nest....and by mama bird I mean ME! We were getting some odds and ends out of the way for our company and he put those odds and ends in my NEST for Benjamin. I flipped out on the poor guy, which in turn got me thinking about everything we did not have yet for the baby. I started nesting like crazy, making an even bigger list then I had before, getting my hospital bag packed, washing everything..... I felt like a mad woman! While nesting I got to thinking that Trenton starts school a week from MONDAY.....and we only have a few things for him so far, so again I freaked out. We went to buy his school supplies and let me tell you...... that was the worst experience I have ever had! He needed a 16 pack of crayons, all I could find were 10 packs, 24 packs, 12 packs.......why make some many different amounts???? 12 #2 pencils......again I found 24 packs, 5 packs but no 12 packs...... stupid lists. While we were shopping I thought I might get some of my odds and ends that I needed for my hospital bag; toiletries, clothing, personal items ect...well the boys prevented that from happening with 5 trips to the bathroom, melt downs and a bad case of the gimmies. I left Kmart crying and empty handed. So last night I went to WalMart by myself and got everything to the t on Trenton's school list, everything for my hospital bag and a better sense of what is left on my list to buy for school clothes and the baby! I am calming down slowly but everything see,s to be hitting all at once!
So that is my week in a nut shell and with Rex being off for another 2 days, I am going to take a nap.....a big looooonnnngggggg nap.

1 comment:

Jenn Marshall said...

Can I take a nap, too? lol