Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Already Home!

Well , that was an experience! I probably stayed home a little tooooo long. I left the house about 9:30am by the time I got my mother in law out the door. We almost ran out of gas on the way there...so we stopped to get gas.....I was doing well until we got to the hospital and parked the car and then my contractions were about 1 min. apart. Rex was waiting for his relief to come in at work so he could leave and got a ride into town (he works about 45 minutes away) so he got on his way about the time I got to the office. I saw my dr. who checked me at 9:53 am and I was dilated to an 8. I got to my delivery room, called Rex and he was 15 minutes away. 5 minutes later I told the nurse I wanted to push, and if the stadol was on its way. She said the meds would be there in 10 min. Then she checked me.... I was at 10cm and +2 station......the Nurse screamed out the door that she needed the Dr. ASAP. There was no time for meds at all. I was ok with that and prepped myself. I called Rex and he was 10 minutes out. I pushed for 5 minutes and Benjamin was here. Rex did not make it in time and was really upset and was crying. I felt bad for him. Everything happened so fast, and it hurt like crazy, but I am proud of myself for having him naturally! He was 8lbs 2ozs 19.5 inches long and 37.5 cm head...another BIG headed boy! My Dr. and nurse were AWESOME. They were so encouraging and supportive. It was great! I am home already and working on breast feeding for the first time..... it is hard and we are having some issues but working through it. I am having to use a nipple shield for now until my milk comes in but I think it will help. Hopefully I wont have to use it for long.
But all in all I could not have asked for a better labor and delivery! The dr. said he only sees a delivery like that about once every 10 years! It was very exciting!
I will get some pictures up soon. I am pooped!

1 comment:

Jenn Marshall said...

I'm so glad you guys are home, now! If you have any questions about BFing, PLEASE don't hesitate to ask! I know it's kind of a private thing, but I completely understand and know quite a bit about it. Use me! lol Just keep at it and don't get discouraged. You're both figuring this out for the very first time.

Give my new nephew a big squeeze for his auntie!