Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Can I Scream yet?

I am trying so hard to hold my patience and not lose my mind with my dear husband...but it is getting very hard right now! He has had some major dental work done and also had to have one tooth pulled (long story) and it is not going so well for him. I understand that mouth pain and discomfort is horrid and at times unbearable, especially since he developed dry socket on top of everything else! But there is a point that I get sick of hearing about how uncomfortable he is!!! I love him dearly and am trying to be a good wifey and empathize with him, but come on??!!! You wanna talk discomfort!! Where is my sympathy?? ( this is mostly hormones and frustration talking I will be back to normal in 2 seconds) It is bugging me too that I told him 3 days ago that he had dry socket and the words were meaning less to him, yet a coworker tells him today that it sounds like dry socket and he is ready to go into the dentist today! Men, sometimes I just do not understand them!
I think I am mostly frustrated with the fact that I do not know what to do for him anymore. I cannot take away the pain, and I can only tell him so many times that he will be fine and this will all pass soon. I am so thankful right now that we have awesome dental insurance! With the car breaking down and a mouth full of work done on Rex, I would be crying right now if we did not have our fantastic insurance!
Ok, vent over...feeling better for now.

1 comment:

Jenn Marshall said...

No worries, hon. I don't understand men, either. Never will. And they say WE'RE bad, right? Hang in there!