Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Little Bit of Everything

So I don't have to post 5 different blogs, here is a mix of everything that I have wanted to "blog" about the past few days.
First off, I found out that I have severe hormonal imbalance which is causing my headaches and swelling, and I should be back to "normal" in another week. Until then, I am to take Mortin, and drink lots of water. Fun stuff! At least it is not eclampsia or edema.
Benjamin is off his billie blanket and is in full recovery from his jaundice.
This kid is very spoiled by the way. The sad thing is that I know I am spoiling him and I am going to regret it later, but I am soaking up the snuggles while I can. It is a bit frustrating though that he is now in the habit of sleeping in my arms and not in bed......but I will conquer that challenge when needed.
I discovered today that I can drive with one hand and feed Benjamin (who was in the back seat of the car) at the same time. Mind you I was driving 5 miles per hour, on my way to pick up Trenton from school...but hey I thought it was a great talent! It was a mess this afternoon trying to get my little man from school. Joe fell asleep at 2:30 and Ben at 2:45....Trenton is out of school at 3:10. It was not pretty . I had very mad boys until we got back home.
And my last rant....along with the frustrations of bananas going up in price, now tuna fish has sky rocketed from 42 cents a can to 92 cents!!! WHAT IS GOING ON????????? I was freaking out in the middle of the store, while Rex was telling me to calm down. How can I calm down when everything that was a good old stand by for cheap yet nutritious food has almost doubled in 3 years!
Anywho, all is well on the home front. Sleep deprived and loving it! I will get some pictures up tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jenn Marshall said...

Thanks for the update! We've been wondering about you guys.

From what I've read, there's no such thing as spoiling babies this age, so no worries. Relax and enjoy it while it lasts.

Glad to hear that both you and Ben are on the mend!

You're not alone - I think it's an absolute sin how much food costs these days!

Take care of yourselves!!