Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Omelette Ala Rex!

In our two weeks home it has been a struggle to keep up with dishes, laundry, tidy up basics and so on, much less finding time to feed ourselves! The boys get their three meals a day and 3 snacks, and Ben's many bottles , but Rex and i eat whenever we can. the other night I was so tired after putting the boys to bed, I was too sleepy to eat. My loving hubby went into the kitchen and whipped me up a 4 EGG OMELETTE! A delicious fluffy ham and cheese eggy delight cooked and decorated to perfection! It was marvelous!


Jenn Marshall said...

NUM! I love making omelettes! What a sweetie of a hubby you have!

Liz said...

Funny how as moms, we don't want diamonds, we don't want pearls, we don't even really want exotic vacations all the time...we just want FOOD and SLEEP!