Sunday, September 14, 2008


Over the past few weeks, I have had a lot of time to think, reflect and evaluate life. Rex and I talked a lot, looked at how much life has changed just in the past year and so on. Talk about a 180! Wow. We have changed the most though just as people, a couple and a family. We love each other so much, and our kids are everything. Not that we did not love each other any less last year, or care as much for our family, it's just more of a priority now.
With moving, and deciding to expand our family, and growing closer, we have drifted a bit from our group of friends (don't worry we still stay in touch and are still good buds). Just in the last few weeks have we noticed that our social life has changed in friend world dramatically. But as usual as our friends condense there are the two people it usually condenses down to.........the fabulous Marshall Family now a family of three, who has been here for us thick and thin for 4 years now......WOW 4 years....where does the time go? Thank you guys for always being there for us. We appreciate you guys more than you know!
Anywho, I am babbling, but I needed to just get all of this out and it took me while to organize my thoughts as much as they can be organized right now...considering.
My main point, life changes, people change in a sense, and you have to roll with the punches and take what comes your way. When everything is said in done, the people still by your side are are a treasure and should not be forgotten!

1 comment:

Jenn Marshall said...

We've been through a lot together, but we managed to hang on, God willing. I'm glad we could/can be there for you and thank you for doing the same for us.

Has it really been four years? Wow is right!