Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So Far So Good!

Everything is great so far. Benjamin is a good little baby! We are having some issues with feeding, but see a consultant tomorrow. I am able to pump and supplement right now and he is doing fantastic with those options, so I say don't fix what aint broken!
I think for some odd reason Rex is more sleepy and exhausted than I am. We are enjoying our time at home though. Trenton and Joe are taking well to their new brother and have been a HUGE help!
I will get more pictures of him soon. We are trying to flush the small bit of Jaundice he has out of him and then I will have tons of pics. Now that he is getting more to eat he should clear up soon though!
Thanks for all the good wishes and kind thoughts. We are just thrilled!

1 comment:

Jenn Marshall said...

I'm so glad to hear you're all doing well!