Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A True LOL Moment

I have found a great source of entertainment! I was laughing so hard the other night i was crying.
Hubby and I have a dresser in our room and we normally keep the boys' clothes in there. Well, to make a bit more room, I decided to move their clothes to the hallway linen closet, as I had some shelves to spare and thought it would be easier for them to get to. The funny part was, that I did not tell the boys of the new arrangement, and honestly did not think it would matter. Well, it mattered BIG time. We were getting ready to leave the house and Trenton went to get some socks He came Running out of my room hysterical! " some one stoleded ( lol) my clothes! They are all gone, I looked in every drawer! Mommy, you have to call 911, this is not good! I will have to go to school naked!" Oh my how I laughed. I should not pleasure from my sons worries, but it was the funniest thing I have seen in a llloooonnnnnggggg time!