Wednesday, December 31, 2008


2008 was a wild ride in our family ! It started out with the possibility of Rex getting a promotion and moving to day shift, we were very excited and anxious! While we waited to hear that news, we found out we were successful in conceiving baby #3, got everything in order to get our home loan, paying off debt, proceeded to do a lot of house hunting, and got ready for the Team Member of the Year Banquet. Rex was the proud winner of a cash prize which helped us put the final amount into what was needed to buy a home. Tons of paperwork, Rex's promotion, more house hunting and a few bumps in the road, grandma in the hospital with pneumonia, I turned 24, and finally finding a home! We closed on our house in May, celebrated Trenton turning 5, and finding out we had baby boy #3!!! A long move,Jenn and Matt welcoming Robby on July 18th, tball, registering for school, pregnancy complications and bed rest, and the arrival of Benjamin on September 15th. Our family truly felt complete the moment he arrived! October to November is kind of a blur for me as I was exhausted and sleep deprived! I got a short term job helping me mother in law selling chamois, we decided to buy hard wood floors and started remodeling at the first of December...why we do not know! A small renovation has turned in to adding an office, a partial wall, and painting! We are still working on it. Misty had little Irelynn on December 12th, followed by many complications on Misty's end, Jo Jo turned 3 on the 13th,Christmas was odd and did not seem like Christmas. Rex and I celebrated 8 years together on the 28th, and the year ending in sad news that my grandpa passed away on the 30th. What a year it was! I am excited to see what 2009 brings! Health and happiness to us all!

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