Saturday, December 6, 2008

Ahh What a Day!

Well, after much non sense running around, we finally left Twin Falls around 1:45 yesterday. We rode up to Boise in my new favorite truck...a Chevy Silverado! Oh my it was NICE. It fit all the car seats with no squishing or scrunching at all and it was so comfy! After three pit stops along the way, we made it to Boise at 3:30 and headed straight to Lumber Liquidators. They ran out of all the 0.59 a sq. foot flooring but had some 0.79 and 0.99 floors there that were pretty nice. While we were there the man Rex had talked to earlier in the week called, and said he had some more flooring in stock, so we headed off to see what he had. Got to that warehouse, LOVED one set he had and decided to buy it at 1.09 a sq. ft and then the people who were storing the flooring said that there warehouse was closed and we could not take it same day....... so there went that idea. We were really bummed. So back to LL we went and sat and pondered for about 1 hour. Finally one of the guys pulled out a plank style maple finish laminate that was PERFECT. Totally different from what we thought we ever wanted, but seemed just right for our house. He gave a deal on it (0.99 sq ft) and a started installation kit. A few swipes of the card and we were done! Then we went to Ross, got me some much needed pants and a CUTE jacket! Rex got some hideous Pac Man shoes.... that's my hubby! Got the boys some new clothes and Christmas presents, and we got Ben some M&M shoes (anyone who knows my mother in law knows this is a BIG deal). Then we ate, took the boys to game world and came home. It was a good trip! I miss my truck though!

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