Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Concert and Lessons Learned

Trenton's class ! I got so emotional when we got there, really weird! I did not expect to get so teary eyed! It was very cute though!

That's right, the crazy fake smile, not even looking at the camera!

So after my emotional break down, and Joe telling me after every song he was ready to go and that he hated singing,(Weirdo kids!) we went to go check Trenton out of school, and head out to meet up with some friends. T's teacher pulled me aside and said we needed to talk. The words every mother fears to hear ! So Rex went out to put Joe and Ben in the car, and Trenton and I headed to her desk. Apparently, while making finger puppets earlier that day, one of T's class mates was bugging him and flicking his puppets, and Trenton decided to hit her in the jaw. I was less than amused and very shocked. Trenton's teacher found it very out of the ordinary, and strange, there for letting him off with a warning but thought she should let me know. Trenton then started back talking to his teacher right in front of me!!! I help my tempert and I apologized to her as well as making Trenton do the same, and we headed out for the car. I told Rex and we sent Trenton to his room when we got home to discuss punishment for his unkind acts. So after deliberation, we called T in and asked him why he did such a thing and why he was back talking. He spoke his peace and explained he was very frustrated with his project in school, and worked very hard to make his puppets nice and his class mate would not listen and he did not think before he acted. He was also frustrated with his teacher , because I guess he had tried informing her of why he did such a thing and she was too upset with which made him feel bad. (I guess some what explainable in his eyes) So T had to write his teacher a letter apologizing, his classmate a letter, (and after telling me he LOVED writing letters and it was so much fun) he had to write 10 times, I will not hit, as well as call all his grandparents explaining what he did (a punishment I use to have to do when I was little that works great because you really realize what you did was wrong) So, I think his first offense was well taken care of. He has really learned his lesson and even spent some of his savings money to buy his class mate a little necklace as another token of apology. I tell ya, raising kids is going to be a very interesting journey!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Wow...I bow down to your mommy prowess. It sounds like you've got very good communication going on there; instead of just punishing him, you asked why he did what he did, and it sounds like he was able to put his feelings into words. I think it's really important for kids to feel understood, especially while their emotions are still developing. Kudos to you!
And I'll have to remember the grandparent trick. Holy moly, that would humble me in a hurry.