Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day One

Today, I woke up and decided, it is time to start fresh and make some changes. It has been 4 months since I have had Ben and where I have lost all my pregnancy weight, things are a bit distorted and I don't feel comfortable in my own skin.
I resorted to my old friend A free weight loss plan with exercises, community support, recipes and much much more. It is so easy to track what I eat, how much I work out, and what I need to work on.
So day one begins. I have tracked all my calories and have already found out that our dinners need to become a lot more healthy! Most of my calories are consumed in that meal alone. I pulled out the sit up equipment, and found my walk in your home video. I am excited to get started. Let's just hope a baby is not to follow this time after I lose weight!!


Jenn Marshall said...

Go Sara GO!!!

Liz said...

Good luck! We'll be rooting for you.