Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Family Meeting Night

Mondays are very busy in our house now. Rex and I decided to instate Family Meeting Night every Monday, after Library Night.
We started off with the list of Daily Duties that are to be done by both big boys. Things such as putting dishes away, putting clothes in hamper, putting their dishes in their cupboard from the dish washer ect. Then We all went through and talked about what bothers us, what we all need to improve on, how we should act and what is expected out of children as well as adults in a functioning family. It was really fun! I also picked up some books out of the children section on caring, kindness, sharing and respect. We read 2 of them and talked about how to act those ways and possess those qualities.
Rex and I talked after and decided that much like at his job, we are going to write down when the boys have done a good deed, listened or followed the rules with out complaining, give them the good deed paper and have them put it in a box. Next Monday we will read all of them, and then have a drawing of all the names in the box, and whoever is drawn gets a special treat.
I am so excited to be doing this. I think it will help a lot and give us a chance on a weekly basis to re group and remember what we should be doing and how we should act.


Liz said...

Can you please teach me how to be a good mom?!? I swear, I never stop being amazed at the wonderful things you do with your kids. And you seem so grown-up, whereas I still feel like a kid. ;-)
Anyway, kudos to you!

Jenn Marshall said...

What a great idea! What a great way to get organized and to teach them how to be responsible! Not to mention the awesome family-bonding time you get to have. *takes notes* Keep it up!