Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Heart to Heart With My Hubby

Rex and I very rarely get a chance to talk alone.. as one of the boys is always needing something or arguing. But tonight we managed to get in some heart to heart time. Things have been very interesting in our life the past few months, dealing with in laws, finding ourselves, and balancing 3 children ( a lot harder than we thought it would be).
We talked about how independent we were as children and free spirited , and always had to attitude that we did not care a bit what others thought of us. reviewing our lives though.... we have cared.. A LOT. Most people see this as a negative thing, and to be who you are and not worry about what others think. Yes, you should be proud of who you are and not change just for the sake of someone liking or disliking you, but what Rex and I discovered tonight, it's OK to care what others think. It is selfish to think of just yourself, and not take others feelings into consideration.
We have always been known (whether we like it or not) as the menders, counselors among friends, and care takers of our family's. Now as we are not highly religious people (we will get there in our own time ) we know who takes care of us ultimately, why we are given the things we are, and why we are given the tasks that come upon us. All of our challenges and rewards have come from God. He truly is an awesome God, and though we do not attend church every Sunday and may not worship and believe
all the same things as most, we are grateful and undeserving of his love.
We really evaluated our life 6 years past until now, and it is amazing how all our events have fallen into place for us. Everything truly does happen for a reason. As much as we had tried and portrayed that we did not care what others thought and we just worried about us.... we were helping and caring a lot more than we knew. And in turn, we were being helped and cared for at the same time, through friends ( you know who you are *wink wink*), family and the Lord.
So to all in our life and those who were in our life, we love you and thank you for every moment, every argument, and everything, we have learned a lot from everyone.

Rex and Sara


Liz said...

And you know, caring what others think about you can make you be a better person - if the person you're talking about isn't Marilyn Manson or something. I find I want to be an example for others and a person others can come to for anything, and that is one thing that encourages me to do what I know is right.
Anyway, I think you are fabulous. Just the way you are.

Jenn Marshall said...

This makes my heart glad. That's all I can say. :)