Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Trenton Turns 9

 .. I suppose it was a hit at the park. All ages seemed to have a good time!
 We had a good turn out ! I cannot believe my baby is 9!! 

 Trenton's big gift. All he wanted was a Dallas Cowboy's Jersey. 
I thought it was fitting to get the #9 jersey... and it's the one he wanted!!! 

 Andrea got a hold of  my camera .. I did not absolutely hate this picture... 

 This one was just funny! 

 During the eclipse. 

And here is Mr. Ben playing while we irrigate out yard.


Jenn Marshall said...

He CAN'T be nine!!! Holy cow! Happy birthday Trenton!! :)

Liz said...

Happy birthday, Trenton! And you look so cute with your hair like that. :-)