Friday, August 3, 2012

True Peace of Mind

So, it just hit me. We don't have to go buy school clothes this year! I am not buying school supplies until after the "back to school" season is over. I have picked up a few things here and there, but man, my school supply bill is going to be so much cheaper!!! I for once feel so so much better about the boys starting "school" this fall than I ever have before. I have not set curriculum, in fact, we are more or less set on what the boys want to learn in 3 month blocks. I have set things they are going to review and practice, but other than that it is what they are interested in and letting their learning go from there. The gospel will be first and for most before the 3 R's, that is our main goal. I am so so excited to do this for our boys. Yes, excited. even after the past 2 weeks which have been nerve shredding with my darling children and a lot of crying, whining, arguing and so on. This is what we need, and we need to learn to get along with each other as a family.

 I am all registered for school and I feel that I will be very refreshed and ready for this semester after my nice long break! I have awesome classes and a only 2 teachers out of 5 classes! Woo hoo!

Life is good! 


Liz said...

Keep us updated on how it's going! I'll sure be interested to see how you like it.

rneweyfamily said...

I remember last year feeling the same way! I did stock up on a few school supplies, notebooks always come in handy, but I was so relieved to not have to grab the school list and spend a tone of money. It has really been a blessing to see my children learn to work together and become each others best friends (most of the time) It will be wonderful for you!