Sunday, September 9, 2012

Who Knew?

Is it too good to be true? Home schooling in week one is going SO well. It is almost scary! We have had meltdowns and power struggles, but over all, I am so pleased with how natural the whole process is! The boys love it, and are day by day learning to love learning, teach each other, teach themselves and reach out a bitter farther on their abilities. We start our day with breakfast, getting dressed, and brushing teeth. Then we have a morning prayer, devotional, scripture study ( we are in the Old Testament right now), plan out study goals, plan our day and then we have family work time. We turn on fun music and do chores, clean up and get our day rolling. After that we start studies which usually takes about an hour to two hours, then we have lunch, then reading time.. then we are done. It is so odd to be done with everything by about 1pm. If the boys want to research things more, or want to do more work they are welcome to. It is so nice. We have a cooperative school that meets at the library once a week that I help teach and the boys take part in that is amazing. They boys also start home school PE this week which will be awesome! I keep worrying about our decision to home school to only get daily confirmation that this is what we are suppose to be doing. It is just perfect.

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