Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 3

..........I am tired............

After waiting an hour and a half in the Dr.'s office, but my appointment went well. I have not gained a single pound, in fact I have lost which is fine by me for now. My blood pressure is crazy low for a pregnant lady, another awesome thing! I got to hear the heartbeat which was so cool! The baby is up really high and the heart beat was 165 mpb. The Dr. said not to quote him on it, but through his 30+ years experience, he thinks it is a girl. I am still not holding my breath. Oh, and the mean old nurse gave me a flu shot.

We had our youth auction which went well. We bought some stuff and the things I brought went for a good price so I was happy.

The nights are long and hard with out my Rexy. I miss him tons. 

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