Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hello Out There!

Is any body out there?? I am not fishing for comments or anything, but it seems as soon as I turned my blog to private... I have lost all my readers. Hmm. Maybe I am just blogging more now and paying more attention.

It is conference weekend and I am loving it! Ben has taken such a strong heart towards the gospel. Last Sunday he wanted to go up to bare his testimony for the first time. He has been talking all week about about what Jesus wants for us and what we should do to make Heavenly Father happy. Today during conference he exclaimed, " I wish I could go there, I want to go to conference"  My heart melted. Then he started talking about wanting to serve a mission. He is only 4 and setting high standards for himself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It sounds great. I am so happy how your family is growing. I could cry.