Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Death

I honestly thought I was dying for 3 days. Thursday morning I woke up feeling like I was getting a bit of a headache, but I thought that with some breakfast and Tylenol, I would be fine. The headache never really went away, but it was tolerable as the boys and I made it through their school work and daily tasks. After the boys played outside, and came in for quiet time, I thought maybe if I took a nap I would feel better. Boy, was I wrong. I awoke around 4 pm ( thank you Mother in Law for caring for the boys) with my entire head engulfed in throbbing, excruciating pain. Rex came home from work and took me into the ER. I tell ya, bright lights and sterile rooms are not fun with an aching head. They poked, prodded, plunged and examined me for 2 hours. I had an IV of fluids, anti nausea medication and a muscle relaxer, all which did not do much, but by then, I just wanted to go home. The idiot smart Dr. sent me home with a Rx for Norco. Rex filled it for me and I thought I would be able to sleep the night away. Wrong again. All Friday was spent in bed with a headache still, super dizzy and then came the vomiting. I called my OBGYN and she wanted to slay the evil ER doctor right then and there. Norco can cause rebound headaches and make migraines ( which she diagnosed me with ) worse. She prescribed me with a strong anti nausea medication so I could sleep and gave me warning signs to look out for. I slept some, but it was difficult. Last night.. was long. I went to bed at 6am. Rex took the boys to church and I slept for 3 hours. Today has been difficult. I called the Dr. on call and she thinks I am heading towards a sinus infection. I am still dizzy and my eyes are sore. We will see how tomorrow goes. On the up side, I got to hear the baby's heart beat a lot!

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