Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Elder Holland

This past weekend was such a wonderful experience all around. Saturday, we went to Boise and shopped til we dropped. I had to take it slow, but we had fun. The boys did so well, and were very well behaved. We got home late, and had to rush to get to bed, because Sunday was a very very special day!

 Elder Jeffery R. Holland came to speak to our stake.  I was so excited, and amazed that I got to hear him speak. He is one of my favorite speakers and always speaks with such conviction and strong testimony. So, Sunday, the boys were up at 6:30 am, they ate, got dressed and off to the church we went to wait in line. The boys waited in the car with Andrea ( our weekend daughter). She came out, excited and proud as she asked the boys if they wanted the radio on while they waited, and they told her that they probably shouldn't because it would not be very appropriate for Sunday. It melted my heart.  We got into the church at 8am, got our seats, and waited... and waited. Elder Holland was to speak at 10am, so we had some time on our hands. The boys played quietly, and were very reverent and well behaved. His talk was amazing. Truly moving, and a grand testimony of the fullness of the gospel. He gave our stake and apostolic blessing which was just amazing and very humbling. We got to shake his hand afterwards and had a brief second to say hello. It was a huge honor.That afternoon when we got home, we had lunch, rested, watched a movie and then Trenton and Joe wanted to watch the Superbowl. I was a bit hesitant, but told them to be mindful of the commercials, and if anything inappropriate came on they were to turn off the TV and wait a few minutes then turn it back on. They came down at half time to get some snacks,  and I asked them why they weren't watching the show. Trenton said with big eyes, " I turned it off right away because the lady singing was dressed SO immodestly! It was gross mom!" My heart melted again.
 That evening, we had family scripture and prayer, which turned into a 2 hour impromptu family home evening. The boys started asking question after question about the gospel, plan of salvation, serving missions, baptism and more. It was amazing and a huge teaching moment. we did FHE Monday night too, which went into depth again. Their little souls are hungering for more and more! It is fantastic.

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