Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Fun

The tradition continues! I am getting out of my grumpy phase, and embracing Valentine's Day and all it's mushy gushy glory.

Since the boys are not in public school this year, I thought we would have some fun and make treats and presents for people we know and love.

 What would we do without Pinterst? We made book marks out of paint samples. 

Hershey Kisses made out of rice crispy treats! It was fun to make. 

 Again, Pinterst idea here. We painted hands and feet and made Rex a Valentine's Day present.

From the Top of Our Hearts 

To the  Tips of Our Toes

 We Love You! 

Then the boys wrote down reasons they loved their daddy. 

Trenton- He plays with me
He is nice to me
He puts up with me
He gets money for the family

Joe- He is kind
He makes good food
He buys us games
He plays with us
He loves us

Ben- He plays with us
He has fun with me
He likes me
He loves me
He lets me have soda

Oh, they made me laugh so hard! What great kidos! We had a good time making painty messes and making some fun treats! Happy Valentine's Day!!

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