Sunday, April 21, 2013

Evelyn Claire

So, Miss Evelyn Claire made her appearance on April 12th, 2013 at 4: 15 am. It was another amazing birth, that was quick and easy. I started contractions at 1am, arrived at the hospital at 2:30am, my water broke at 4am, I pushed 5 times and she was here. 7lbs 1 oz. and 20 inches long. Our own little tiny miss! No pain medication this time around, and Miss Evelyn is healthy and happy.

                                            Here we are, Evelyn just a few minutes old.

So, we are home now, and after a week, things are going very well. The boys are thrilled to have her here, and it is nice to have a little bit of pink in our sea of army men, trucks and everything blue and green! She is the BEST BABY ever! She is so quiet and easy going. She does not fuss hardly at all. The boys always screamed and hollered when I would change them and bathe them, and little Miss Evelyn just puts up with it all. She sleeps about 3-4 hours a night.

I got her pictures taken when she was 5 days old, which was exhausting for me, but well worth it. I will post more when I order them. They will be fantastic!
The biggest issues we are having are 1, breastfeeding and 2, my emotions.
So, I have never successfully been able to breastfeed. Call it lack of determination, or priorities set into different realms, but it has never happened. I pumped with Benji for 6 months, which was exhausting, but I did it out of guilt. With Evelyn, I was highly determined and ready to breastfeed once and for all. Well, once again, it has not happened. This plays into my emotions as well. I feel so extremely guilty and like a horrible mother because I am not nursing her, and cry at everything. Now I am getting to the stage of frustration and anger with the entire situation. No, I am not able to nurse, yes I give my baby formula. IS it really THAT horrible? I have 3 healthy, happy, smart boys who did not suffer one bit. I am already getting tired of justifying my decision. At this point I think bottle feeding is just as beneficial, as I am giving my daughter the nutrients she needs, a happier mommy who is not crying in frustration, and she is happy and not crying in frustration either. I know the benefits are huge to breast feeding, but at least I am feeding my child, and I am not neglecting her. Anyways, I am very sensitive over it all, and even when dear friends ask about nursing and bottle feeding, I take it very personally. I need to take a break from the world, and just let myself balance out and get back to normal before facing the world. It might take a while!

1 comment:

Liz said...

I am so sorry I didn't see this blog post before now! I hope you're feeling better about the whole thing. And I think you're right: it's a personal decision for each mom and you need to do what's right for you and your babe. It definitely sounds like the bottle was the best option, and you shouldn't have to defend yourself on it. You just enjoy that little girl and let everyone else go step on a Lego.

I love you!