Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 1st, 2013

Ahhh. I finally feel like I am getting back to "normal" after having Evelyn. I got so much done today. A super bonus to the day, my pre pregnancy jeans fit me again!! Woo hoo!! I got a lot of laundry done, got the hallway carpet ripped out, got the carpet tacks taken out, dishes done, dinner made, shopping trip made, garden watered, boys' school work done, and reading done. Oh, and I got a nap in there too! Always a good day if you can sneak a nap in.

So yesterday was amazing! I went through a period of almost feeling a disconnect spiritually. After getting some assistance and a lot of praying, I felt spiritually back to normal as well. I was able to attend the fireside for the youth who were on Trek. It was fantastic. The youth in our stake have such strong testimonies. One of the young women from our ward went up and gave her testimony, and through tears and sobs remarked that when she felt like she could not pull her hand cart any longer and wanted to give up, she saw me, and an encouraging smile and a helpful hand got her to the top. I was so touched. I felt so spiritually fed after yesterday.

A great Sunday led into a great start to our week as well. We all got up early, got our scripture study and chores done, and had fun through our day. I like the good days. I hope they continue!


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