Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September 11,2013

So, after my pity party, and feeling sorry for myself, I realized that I chose to give up social media, and the attention that comes with it. I have to remember that I am doing this for me.

Life--is---crazy. End of story. I am so stinkin' busy, crazy and over booked beyond belief. It is good though. The business is keeping my mind of my mom's illness, and keeping me occupied. I just didn't want this much!

So, for the month of September I have :

Jury duty call in every week ( I have been doing this since July)
Homeschool scheduled work: Monday thru Thursday
My School Work- Monday - Saturday ( 3 hours a day)
A math test
Teaching Sharing Time 4 times
Teaching Homeschool co-op group 2 times
Stake conference
Canning Peaches
Canning Apples
Harvesting the garden
Dentist appointments for the boys
Benji's Birthday
Library once a week
Going away party for a friend
Visiting teaching
Grooming both dogs
Round table scout meeting
Council Member scout meeting
Trenton's scout meeting
Pack meeting
Grocery shopping

And I think that is it. I am at full speed. Sleeping about 3 hours a night, eating whatever I can grab, cooking things for other people to eat, laundry, dishes, vacuuming... the list is endless really.

The kids are great, awesome, and the best ever! Rex is working hard, learning a lot, and coming up on his one year anniversary with Fisher's. It is amazing.

I have to admit, I cannot wait until October!

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