Tuesday, April 15, 2014


We have many ism's in this house.

Rexism- (singing) "Don't cry for me Argentina!! Wait, I like this better, "Don't yell at me Macarena!!"

Joeism - Rocking Evelyn's baby doll for her " Trenton you should help Evelyn with her baby dolls, it will be good practice" Trenton- Picks up doll and throws it in the air. Joe-" YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON! Never have children!"

Benjiism- Rex to Ben " I love you all the way to Pluto"  Benji- "I love you all the way to Mickey!"

Trentonism and Mommyism-" We are far to sophisticated to for such foolish endeavors." ((High five each other and miss-every time)

1 comment:

Liz said...

SO funny! What clever, fun kids you're raising.

And I just saw the photo challenge! Neat idea!