Saturday, June 14, 2014

Stuff, Stuff, Stuffy, Stuff

I am horrible about updating! I will work on that.
 A lot has been going on. Homeschooling the boys ( we are now on a year round schedule), planting the garden, visiting family, big family changes, Rex working, helping Andrea on her Senior project.. and much much more!

  So, my dad came for my graduation and my grandmother's memorial celebration. It was fantastic! Some dear friends of ours are moving to Idaho Falls, but in turn, my dad is buying their house and moving just a few blocks away from us! I am so excited!! The kidos are beyond thrilled.

   Andrea's senior project is in full swing. I am excited for her.  here is her website! Check it out.

She is doing a great job and has United Way helping her with the project as well.

Kido Updates:

Trenton: Reading like crazy, helpful, preteen emotions coming out, starting Algebra, super awesome kid!

Joe-Diligent, hard working and has a true servants heart. He has started learning to cook and loves it! Multiplying, reading, writing, drawing... this kid is unstoppable.

Benji- Cute, funny, goofy, friendly, and fun! He is starting to read pretty well, loves to draw and write. He is telling time, loves math and is a fun kid!

Evelyn- BUSY! She is BUSY, all the time! Strong willed, determined and fierce! She wont say mama or dada, but will call for her dog, clear as day, "Delilah" What a silly girl!

I hope I can keep up on everything and update more often.

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