Sunday, July 20, 2008

Our Home

So here is our home. The picture is a bit outdated, I will get some new ones soon. This is the house before we even bought it. 4 bedroom, 2 bath. Bigger inside than it looks like on the outside.

This is my great window in my kitchen! I LOVE IT!

Our nice sign welcoming us to our home!

The front porch

Living room


The dining room that is under construction right now, I will post after pictures!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Don't you love playing house? That's what it feels like to me, anyway. :-) Your place looks great! And I'm glad you did the "update" post. I can't believe Trenton is FIVE!

I had completely forgotten the Christmas tree incident! Yeah, my mom can be scary when she's mad, which, you're right, is a rare occurrence. My memory of you is actually the first time we met, in the locker room at O'Leary. I think it was your first or second day of school, and I remember liking you right away. :-) I also remember being fascinated that you'd lived in San Diego. California was just magical to me then!