Friday, August 8, 2008

Bored...So I am Tagging People!

3 Joys

1. Air Conditioning! LOVE IT

2.My great family, We are truly meant to be together

3. Benadryl. I love that you can take it while prego!

3 Fears

1. Labor--- I know i have been through it twice, but for some reason I am terrified!

2.I am scared about Trenton going to school. I hate thinking that someone else will be caring for my child.

3. Losing everything. It has happened before.... and I always fear it can happen again.

3 Goals

1. Finish school within the next year or two

2. Get back into shape after Benjamin is born

3. Get my garden going full force!

3 Current Obsessions

1. Baby items

2. School supplies

3. Blogging. This is #3 for today

3 Random Surprising Facts about Myself

1. I hate dishes in my sink

2. I really like to sleep.... a lot, the kids just wont let me

3. I am a hippie at heart. I love all things green!

I tag the two people that read my blog.......Liz and Jenn and anyone else who stumbles upon this!

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