Saturday, August 9, 2008

Am I Done Yet??????

Yep, I am throwing in the towel. I quit! I don't wanna be pregnant anymore! Not that saying those words will do anything or make these last few weeks go by faster, but that's how I feel!! I am starting to get so uncomfortable and I am getting to the point to where I cant sleep, I'm not hungry, I cant move, I cant bend, sit, stand, kneel......I CANT DO ANYTHING! The poor boys are getting so bored, but just a trip to WalMart wipes me out for the whole day. I am in nesting mode but cant best! I got a few things packed in my hospital bag today, but need to go shopping for the rest. I jjjjuuuuusssstttt wannna whine!!! Which I am. :-) I am worrying about my hernia. I really hope it does not result in me having to have a c-section. I have a hundred different things running through my head and not enough energy to sort them out.



Jenn Marshall said...

That's exactly how I felt in the end, so I completely understand and empathize. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask! I'm getting the hang of this mom thing, now, so I can help. And C-sections aren't so bad. Yeah, the first week or so stinks because you can't really move, but if I can do it, so can you. But I hope for your sake you don't have to, still. I'm praying for you! Hang in there!

Sandie said...

Hey, whine all you want! Anyone who's had a baby will undersand... and anyone who hasn't is just blowing hot air ;)