Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm Ready!

Well I decided to start packing my hospital bag today and getting things in order for when Benjamin makes his appearance, whether it be when I am induced or if he decides to come early. You would think we would be more prepared as this is child number three, but there is so much we still don't have! It's frustrating. So as usual I made my "list" of needs and need to do's and I feel much better now! I was surprised by the list. We have really slacked off a lot this pregnancy. The poor kid has diapers for the first 9 months if not the first year, as well as clothes, but no socks, receiving blankets, bottles or sheets for his bed! And I have NOTHING in the means of feeding essentials and supplies for me....(the dr. should be able to prescribe one item for me and the rest I need to buy) This pregnancy has flown!

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