Thursday, August 21, 2008

My First Diaper Cake!

Isn't it cute!!?? My neighbor made it for me and brought it by today! You would think after 2 other pregnancies I would have received a diaper cake by now...but this is my first! It was so nice of her to bring it by, she really is a nice person and I am thankful she is my neighbor!

Booties, teething ring, and keys (Joe stole them already)

Naturally lots and lots of diapers and she put suckers in the tops of them for the older boys!

Cute onsie!!!

Fun little blankie! You can't see it, but there are imprints of boats on the boarder !

A cute little shirt!

I am again very thankful and happy to receive this gift!!! Thanks Ann!

1 comment:

Jenn Marshall said...

I know excuses are like buttholes, but if I had known how to make one with Joe or didn't have a baby of my own to take care of this time, I would have made you one!!! I'm glad someone made you one, though! Super cute!