Thursday, September 4, 2008

Good Day!

Well, it turned out to be a better day then I expected. Started out a bit rough, as with switching our banks around and paying on our Chase credit card last month, things got confused and mixed up, ending in extra fees and a lot of headaches, so I was very worried and frustrated. An hour after freaking out, the mail came with a nice surprise ! A check from the hospital back paying me for what our insurance picked up and what the state picked up, and what we had already paid towards the birth! I was THRILLED! The amount was almost exact to what Chase had charged us. A load off my mind and I was able to relax again. So in celebration, and a little extra cash from my wonderful grandma, who told me to go buy something fun for myself (she listened to me stress out for about an hour) so I got the new Viva Pinata (on sale too!) and I am buying the first book of the Twilight Series for when I go into labor! So, all in all it was a great day, and a lesson learned to trust, and remember that God never does give us more than we can handle and is always keeping a watchful eye on those in need and those take care of themselves. :-D HAPPY DAY!

P.S.- Rex is feeling MUCH better, and I babied him like he needed with a smile and love, and felt a lot less grouchy when doing so!


Liz said...

Isn't it wonderful how things work out like that? You're right, Heavenly Father really does know exactly how much we can handle and provides a way for us to keep our heads above water. I'm glad everything evened out for you, money-wise!
If you want, you can borrow my copy of Twilight. I'll be happy to send it to you. Then you can use the money for something else! Just let me know, okay?

Jenn Marshall said...

Trust is a tough lesson to learn and is usually learned the hard way. I know this from experience. You can only bang your head against the wall so many times before you go, "Okay, God - your turn."