Friday, September 5, 2008

A Tough Decision

I was offered the chance to see my baby boy next week, or I could wait this week out , have my appointment and see how things go from there. As much as I am done being pregnant and am sick of the pain and sleepless nights, I thought for a few minutes which was more important, my comfort or the baby's well being. I asked the dr. if there was any reason we needed to induce, and he explained that my blood pressure was back down, the baby is a normal size and should not be too big, and there was no medical reason he would need to induce me. So I decided to wait it out. What is one more week? I have waited 9 months..... the longer he is in there the healthier he will be when he is born. Who am I to question nature? So , I go in Thursday and we will see how things go. So far I am still at 2cm. 50% effaced, and things are looking perfect. No weight gain .... YIPPY! So all is fine and I am a bit bummed but happy with my choice!

1 comment:

Jenn Marshall said...

A tough decision indeed! I think you made the right choice, too, though. Here's praying Baby Ben makes his grand entrance, soon!!!