Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Lonley Saturday

There are sometimes that I really dislike Rex's job. It can get so political and childish at times. I get to spend all of this Saturday alone, due to a "meeting" the security team is having, 4 hours after his shift ends, and that entails poker and special he wont be home until about 1am (after the bus ride home) and then has to leave by 5am tomorrow morning to go back to work. I am glad he is coming home, but it is kinda pointless. I tired talking him into just staying the night, it would just be easier, but my loving man refused and said anytime he can spend with me at all is time he does not want to miss out on. That made me feel special. Anywho, his bosses kinda forced him into the evening events, even though we have a new born at home and two sick kidos....apparently all of his coworkers think I can handle everything just fine and Rex needs a night out. My blood is still boiling. I just dont understand some people at all. No consideration.
So here I sit, watching the clock go by. Not much of an eventful day. Trying to keep the boys away from the baby so the baby does not get sick. That is a chore! We are having a movie day and staying in our pj's as long as we can and eating badly! It is kinda fun, but I just have that achy feeling in my tummy and know that I will miss my Rexy terribly tonight. Such is life I suppose. Off to make some muffins. I hope everyone has a great day.


Liz said...

If I were in Jerome, I'd bring something yummy to drink to go with the muffins and come be your company. :-)

Jenn Marshall said...

I'm sorry you were so lonely. I saw you sympathized with Matt, though. lol Makes me feel bad for being the abandoner. lol