Friday, September 19, 2008

My Yellow Fellow

Poor baby Benjamin has to be tethered to a photo therapy blanket for the next 24 hours. :-( He has slight jaundice, which I anticipated. Trenton, and Joe had cases of it as well. I feel so bad for him though.
I am exhausted beyond belief, and not because of lack of sleep or anything like that, but because of a migraine the 2nd night home, getting up early the night after the headache for Ben's 3 day check up, deciding I felt great and cleaning the entire house yesterday then feeling the pain that night, having to get up early AGAIN for a follow up check up for Ben, and now tomorrow I have to go once more for a Benjamin check up. I just wanna stay home in my PJ's all day.....just one day!
Other than the hectic lifestyle Mr. Ben has put upon us, I am in complete awe of him and am trying to soak up every moment. As my hormones balance out...I am a roller coaster and get sad when I think of Benjamin being our last child. Rex and I decided 3 is enough as we know with 3 children we can provide a good life, education and future with out too many worries where is if we have more things would be different and not as stable. Not to mention my poor body...I don't know if my tummy could handle another pregnancy. The last 2 months of my last 2 pregnancies have been terribly painful and agonizing at points. So, I cradle my last baby, and treasure each moment, sleep deprived or not!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Man, you sound so grown-up! :-)
Katelyn had to spend 24 hours in a little baby tanning bed to cure her jaundice. We put felt goggles over her eyes and had to watch her the whole time, struggling to get out and just breaking our hearts. We were SO happy it only took a day and we could get her outta there! I hope Ben's jaundice passes just as quickly.
So sorry to hear about the migraine. Talk about the last thing you need! I think you should go get yourself some REALLY NICE jammies that look decently acceptable in public. Then you can wear them whenever you want! :-)