Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Non Stop Life

Life in the Bateman household is still in a non stop mode. I feel I am moving all the time and almost always falling behind or forgetting something. And what do I do, add more to our days! We are doing extra dentists appointments this year for good measure, a baby and me class on Tuesdays, library night on Monday's, and we are doing craft night every Saturday on daddy's day off. A busy life is a fun life. Eventful, lively, and full of surprises.

I cannot believe Benjamin is already 1 month old (or will be tomorrow). I have a feeling life with three boys is going to make time fly by a lot faster!

We are prepping for fall/ Halloween right now. Dug out what decorations we could find and put them out today. I don't think I will get to bake as much as usually do this year, but that's ok. Maybe I can sneak in a few loaves of bread here or there along with some pumpkin muffins, and apple pie and apple butter.......I HOPE!

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