Sunday, October 12, 2008

Who Knew!?

I keep forgetting that we are a family of 5 now. The fact that one extra person could create so much extra laundry is still baffling me. I am doing at least one load of laundry a day now. I feel like I cannot keep up at times and it drives me nuts when the house gets out of order. Rex keeps telling me to take a step back and enjoy what is right in front of me and not to focus on the things that can be handled at a later time. It is hard to do but I am trying.

In another note, I am doing some deep searching within my self and research wise into what I want to be when I "grow up" As I stated in an earlier post ( being very vague and mysterious) I am looking into things and thinking a lot. Well, I am considering going into the medical field, into nursing. I never really considered the idea before until my labor nurse called to check up on me and told me that I would make a great nurse and should think about the idea of becoming one. There is such a demand in the field and a wide variety of choices of what kind of nurse I could be. I am enjoying the research and the thought of going back to school and graduating with a degree that carried some purpose.

Anywho, that is all for now. I must return to the whirl wind I call life!


Liz said...

OH MY GOSH YES you should be a nurse. I mean, if you really want to. You would be so good. Patients would love you!

Jenn Marshall said...

If you wanted to go into nursing - I would support you 100%! Of course, I'd support you no matter what you choose to do. :) I think you would do great as a nurse! It's tough work, though.