Monday, October 20, 2008

What I Like to do at 12am

11:30 pm Grrrrrr.... well Ben was semi sleeping in his bouncer, and the boys were fighting bed time as usual and were up for the 10th time needing water, cheese and an extra hug. I was getting Rex off to work for an extra shift, when I went to put Ben to bed and his whole left side of his face was splotchy and red and his eye was all puffy, swollen and watering. I flipped! I called my mother in law, screeched at the boys to please stay in bed,pushed Rex out the door to get to work and I got Ben in his carseat, grabbed a bottle and a binkie and away we went (ET---- 11:50pm) Thankfully we are only a few blocks away from the Jerome hospital and it is a small town. We were in right away where Ben was weighed, a Hefty 10lbs 12ozs already mind you, and he was picked on and poked on getting his vitals and what not. The wonderful dr. came in and looked at Ben and said " Well, he has sensitive skin. Was he laying on anything or did his face get smushed up against something while he was sleeping?" " Yeah his binkie" I replied. Well his binkie is hypoallergenic, and there was no other swelling and his face was already going down. He just got rubbed the wrong way and should be just fine. We left the hospital at 12:15am and all the kids are finally asleep and I am too pooped to fun.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Hospital fun in the middle of the night, no less! You lucky girl!

I hope things calm down for you today. Best of luck getting a nap!