Saturday, November 8, 2008

I Hit The Mother Load!

Our local library ROCKS! They had a book sale today and I got a good pick of books! I lef t a lot behind that I wanted but I plan on going to their store that is located in the library, on Monday.
So I got the kidos 8 books, an army book for Trenton, some dinosaur book for joe and a few books on manners and what not. I got : East of Eden, Where the Heart Is, Talking to the Dead, House of Sand and Fog, The Memory Keepers Daughter, Another Part of the House, Then There Grew Up a Generation, and a book about 4 mail order brides, I dont have the name right now because i am reading it and do not have it by me right now. How exciting though! I got my 16 books for $6!!! YIPPY!

1 comment:

Jenn Marshall said...

Yay! Way to go! It's those little things that just make your day! Happy reading!