Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Last night was our last night of the reading program at the library. As a parting gift we got an extra book call Read To Me Raising Kids Who Love To Read by Berince Cullinan. I could not have asked for a better learning tool! Things you don't really think about when it comes to learning to read. " A child is less able to understand a word he/she comes across while reading that he or she has never heard. Understanding new words in spoken language helps a child understand them when reading. If a child has never heard the word earthquake the child is not likely to recognize it or readily understand it when facing it in a book"
I NEVER thought about such a thing but it so much makes sense in every way! I recommend the book highly! As the teacher of the program stated at each meeting " It is never too early or too late to start reading to your child!"

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