Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not Much

Kinda quiet around the Bateman house the past week. We are winterizing the house, and getting the leaves and what not picked up before it snows. We have been reading a lot and enjoying it thoroughly.
We are trying to find curtains for our living room and has turned out to be harder than we thought. We need thick curtains because we get sunlight in right on the tv and it creates a HUGE glare. We thought we found the prettiest most perfect curtains with a valance at target, but they were super thin, I was bummed. Rex and I might just make our own, it will be cheaper and we can get what we want!
Ben is smiling and cooing TONS and laughing like a mad man. It is super cute! Joe is growing up so fast and has matured a lot in the past few weeks. Trenton is loving school and eager to learn new things every day! He never ceases to amaze us!
So that is all we have to report from Bateman Land. No news is good news I guess!

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