Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Mr. Trenton went into the pediatric dentist yesterday, and there is a lot to be done. We have two things working against us, he has weak weak enamel and he grinds his teeth, which is cause all of his dental problems. So in order to get all the enamel treatments done, nerve treatments, fillings and caps on, the dentist recommended that dental work be done by him at the hospital, and that Trenton be put under for the procedure so it will only take an hour and a half, as opposed to 9 hours if he were awake. It scares me to pieces but we are opting for the hospital procedure. Darn genetics and their wicked ways!
Speaking of those darn genetics, I am super sick again. My iron is slowly going up but not fast enough to ward off pesky infections! I know have a viral infection that is causing my sinuses to feel like they are going to explode, and my ears are getting infected, and I now have pink eye. Fun times let me tell you! I am running around with a surgical mask on and washing my hands raw ! So far no one else is sick so it must be working.
Side note , my semi lazy husband, forgot to run the garbage disposal after putting food down it, which caused fruit flies to nest in there and now it is CRAZY trying to get rid on them. I have scrubbed and scrubbed, sealed all of our food, cleaned the disposal and the darn things aren't going away! I hate bugs!


Liz said...

I wish I could be there to help you! And bring you wonderful scented lotion for your rough hands. You poor thing! I hope everyone/everything gets better ASAP!

Jenn Marshall said...

Wow. I knew you were sick, but I didn't know you had conjunctivitis! That stuff is HORRIBLE!

Fruit flies are also horrible. I searched around for some info for you:

I remember hearing that the bottle trap works really well.

Good luck and get to feeling better!