Saturday, December 13, 2008

So Many Things

We were talking to the boys last night about Christmas and what is means to them and to others in the world. I was surprised that they were so insightful! Trenton explained to me that, "no matter what, this time of year is special and that everyone needs to think of people who don't have much and to give to them, while being thankful for what we have and the life we have.... and that its celebrating Jesus' birthday." IT was funny to see him explain it. He has learned a lot in Sunday school and really enjoys it even though it's a little different from most other churches, we like it and so do the boys . Joe could only explain that, "Christmas is MAGIC! (eyes lite up and sparkling) Christmas is Jesus BIRTHDAY and we give presents and gets presents!" Not bad for a 3 year old I thought.
I agree with Joe and love watching the magic of Christmas, especially in my boys' eyes. It is a special time of year no matter how you celebrate or what you believe, I think for the most part there is a universal feeling of gratefulness, giving hearts, magical nights, and love for family and friends.
we are taking the boys to see Santa tonight, and though I think they are catching on to his reality, they are still excited and like the tradition that we have carried on with since Trenton was born. I do not mind taking them what so ever, as they have a good firm grasp on what the season means, besides Santa and presents and that "he" is just a small part of what Christmas really is.
Enjoy the snow if you have it! I will post pictures of Joe's birthday later tonight!!

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