Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Hands, Funny Story, and New Floors

First off, I finally got my camera working for more than 2 here is the picture of our turkey hand family we made! I was even able to trace little Benjamin's hand so we could make his turkey too! It was a fun project. We also made a thankful chain. We all sat down and wrote on strips of paper what we were thankful for and linked them all together. That was interesting. The boys were thankful for everything from each other, to the new scissors I had bought them for our projects! It was cute!

The funny story entails a very sleepy hubby being late for the bus to work. Apparently he was in such a hurry that when he got to the bus stop yesterday morning, he grabbed his backpack and suit jacket, turned off his headlights got out locked the door and ran onto the bus. At about 1:30 pm, the bus driver called him at work from Twin asking what kind of car he owned. Rex told him, as the bus driver stared laughing hysterically. Rex had left his car running... ALL DAY! The driver was able to crawl in the car from the hatch back being unlocked and turned off Rexy's cars and delivered his keys. My hubby the dork ladies and gentle men! He got a stern talking to when he got home! I was just glad the car was not gone!!!

And below is pictured of what hopefully will be our new flooring for our house! We were going to carpet the living room and just do hardwood in the dining room and kitchen, but Rex found some one in town selling laminate floors for $0.79 a square foot! So at that price we are thinking we will only have carpet in the bedrooms for now. The man has 800 square feet for sale, which magically is what we need! HOORAY! So here is hoping the rest of what we need besides our savings will come through!

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